Undergraduate Education

The mission of NanjingTech is to advance knowledge and to educate "Engineers of Excellence". Students are learning theoretical knowledge and practical techniques as well, and are encouraged here to explore the unknown, to accept differences, and to care about the communities. Learning at NanjingTech extends far beyond the classroom. Vivid teaching activities and various forms of practice are provided in the advanced labs, start-up incubators, training centers and engineering sites, which engage imagination and expand intellectual horizons.

Our curriculum emphasizes learning, creativity, innovation and collaboration with our general education in the humanities, arts, social sciences, natural sciences and engineering. You will explore many disciplines and also develop a deep understanding in one area of concentration. As a student, you have the extraordinary luxury of four years in which to develop your mind - to grow in your ability to think analytically and read critically, to write clearly and speak persuasively, to develop and test hypotheses, and to fashion and sustain convincing interpretations or proofs. Enjoy this learning to the fullest.